Kamis, 28 November 2013

Come explore the wonderful Sumatra barat

I wait you in my hometown

watch  wonderful sumatera barat : 

traditional clothing

1.tradition minangkabau clothing
The Minangkabau ethnic group is indigenous to the highlands of West Sumatra. Their traditional dress consists of silk robes with metallic thread woven into the material. Their headdress is shaped like buffalo horns.

The Toraja people live in the mountainous areas of South Sulawesi (Celebes). The women's traditional costume features elaborate beadwork and tassels.

2.Bridal aisle Minang
Bagonjong wedding (bridal dais with ornate horns) and the addition of other attributes, such as the yellow umbrella, tray-tray, and the addition badalamak booths on the left and the right of making such gonjong-gonjong gadang Minangkabau roof above it, add to the luxury of the aisle typical Minangkabau.

jewelry sunting wedding

Suntiang is one form of kepalo anak daro. Suntiang generally used now commonly called suntiang gadang. The name is to distinguish the armpit suntiang ketek by bridesmaids called pasumandan.

1. Suntiang gadang

2. 2. Suntiang Ketek (suntiang tanduak kabau)


As for the actual headdress diverse forms. Currently, headwear "Suntiang Kambang" Pariaman origin who in commonly used in West Sumatra. Though there are many forms of headdress, there is a suntiang pisang saparak (Originally Solok Salayo), Edit Pinang Bararak (From Koto nan Godang Payakumbuh), Edit Mangkuto (from Sungayang), Edit Kipeh (Kurai Limo Jorong), Suntiang Sariantan (Leopold ), Matua Suntiang Palambaian, etc.

Snacks and drinks

1.Karupuak Jangek, cow skin cracker

2.Karipiak Balado or Karipiak Sanjai, cassava cracker coated with hot and sweet chilli paste

3.Bubur Kampiun porridge made from rice flour mixed with brown sugar

4. Es Tebak, mixed of avocado, jack fruit, tebak, shredded and iced with sweet thick milk

5.Lemang mixture of sticky rice, coconut milk and pandan in thin bamboo (talang)

6.Tapai fermented sticky rice

historical places

1.       Cultural meanwhile Attractions that you can enjoy include the Minang culture in Padang Panjang, Jam Gadang in bukit tinggi, Istana Pagaruyung,gua Jepang in Agam and Istana Kerajaan Pagaruyung in Batusangkar.

11. Istana kerajaan pagaruyung

2. Jam Gadang

3.Lobang jepang


4.Padang Panjang



       Nature tourism in West Sumatra which has a high attraction to visit in each area of ​​the canyon Sianok in Bukit Tinggi, danau Maninjau, danau kembar in solok ,lembah anai, cerocok beach and bukik Langkisau, in pesisirselatan sweet beach air (Malin Kundang stone) etc.

1. Padang 

2. payah kumbuh 

3. batu sangkar 


5. pantai air manis (malin kundang)

6. Bukit tinggi

    7. maninjau 

8 8.Pesisir Selatan

Fauna and Flora

Most of the area is still a natural tropical forest and protected. A variety of rare species can still be found, for example Rafflesia Arnoldi, Sumatran tigers, gibbons, tapirs, deer, bears, and various types of butterflies and birds. Its forests were inhabited by animals such as elephants, tigers, leopards and rhinos.

1 Rafflesia arnoldi

 2. Harimau sumatera

3.Macan Tutul


Traditional Dances

1. Pasambahan Dance

.Pasambahan Dance is normally performed by a group of dancers to welcome guests, where a female dancer carries a “carano” (a kind of golden metal pot covered by a local patterned fabric) while dancing, then other dancers will open the carano’s cover and serve (or pretending to serve) to the guests.

Watch Pasambahan Dance performance from YouTube:

2. Galombang Dance (Waving Dance)

Galombang dance is performed by male and female dancers, often it is combined or ended with Pasambahan Dance. The male dancers, who perform Galombang Dance, dance as if they do “Pencak Silat”, the Indonesian traditional martial arts. Galombang Dance is usually performed to welcome guests.

Watch Galombang Dance performance from YouTube:


3.Tari Payung (Umbrella Dance)

Tari Payung is a local (etnic Malay) friendship dance that is performed by young people, men and women. It tells about cheerful young couple and they dance by umbrella as part of the dance.

Watch Tari Payung performance from YouTube:


Traditional Food

Traditional Food

Padang food is the cuisine of the Minangkabau people of West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is among the most popular food in Maritime Southeast Asia. It is known across Indonesia as Masakan Padang (Padang cuisine, in English usually the simpler Padang food) after the city of Padang the capital city of West Sumatra province.It is served in restaurants opened by Minangkabau people in Indonesian cities. Padang food is ubiquitous in Indonesian cities and is popular in neighboring Malaysia bandSingapore. The term "Padang food" is often used to designate the whole culinary traditions of Minangkabau people. However, this term is seldom used in Minangkabau inland cities such as Bukittinggi — a culinary hotspot in West Sumatra where they refer to it as Masakan Minang or Minangkabau food, since there are differences between Nasi Padang of Padang and Nasi kapau of Bukittinggi.
Padang food is famous for its rich taste of succulent coconut milk and spicy chili. Among the cooking traditions in Indonesian cuisine, Minangkabau cuisine and most of Sumatran cuisine, demonstrate Indian and Middle Eastern influences, with dishes cooked in curry sauce with coconut milk and the heavy use of spices mixture.

Because most Minangkabau people are muslims, Minangkabau cuisine follows halal dietary law rigorously. Protein intakes are mostly taken from beef, water buffalo, goat, lamb meat, and poultry and fish. Minangkabau people are known for their fondness of cattlemeatproducts including affal. Almost all the parts of a cattle, such as meat, ribs, tongoe, tail, liver,tripe, brain, bone marrow, spleen, intestine,cartilage, tendon, and skinare made to be Minangkabau delicacies. Seafood is popular in coastal West Sumatran cities, and most are grilled or fried with spicy chili sauce or in curry gravy. Fish, shrimp, and cuttlefish are cooked in similar fashion. Most of Minangkabau food is eaten with hot steamed rice or compressed rice such as katupek (ketupat). Vegetables are mostly boiled such as boiledcassavaleaf, or simmered in thin curry as side dishes, such as Gulai of young jackfuit or cabbages.

1.     1.  Rendang, chunks of beef stewed in spicy coconut milk and chili gravy, cooked well until dried. Other than beef, rendang ayam or chicken rendang can be found.

 2.Dendeng batokok

1.   3.Sambal Balado, sambal with large sliced chilli pepper

 4.    Soto Padang, a soup of beef


5.      Sate Padang, Padang style satay, skewered barbecued meat with thick yellow sauce

6.     Gulai Tunjang, gulai of cow foot tendons


Padang is the capital city of West Sumatera. Padang is the one of the most beutiful city does Indonesia have. “Jam Gadang” is icon of Padang City. It’s like Big Ben in London, England. Padang doesn’t heve a “Jam Gadang” only, in Padang we can learn about they culture and the strory about that.

Every countries in this world certainly have a different culture and characteristic about they country. In padang we can see the tradition house of Padang, It’s name “Rumah Gadang”. But we can see the house just in the several place in Padang. Inside the “Rumah Gadang” we can find the traditional clothes does Padang have.

The traditional clothes for man wear Saluak in head. The blouse called Teluk Belanga. And the cloth in the hand is that Kain Songket and the trousers is long. For woman they wear hat is called Bergonjang. The blouse name is Baju Kurung and wear Kain Songket. The diverge cloth in shoulder is that Kain Songket too. The jewelries are the heap necklace, bracelet, and ring. This clothes can use at Minagkabau traditional wedding anniversary. And the traditional of weapon is Karih.
The traditional dance of Padang is Tari Piring. The teenager in thats place like this dance. Inside that plates there are the light candle. And the fire of the candles doesn’t off until the dance is over. Every motion have the definite meaning. For example the eagle to fly, and the motion likes the kid of dove when the bird felt down to the field while gave thanks to Allah SWT.
The dancer wear long dress and cloth for skirt. The potition of the scarf slanting to the right or to the left. For the hair there are te decoration of flowers called Kembang Goyang, because the flowers can moved.

Do you know the tradition Song from West Sumatera ? There are some tradition song from West Sumatra ; Ka Parak Tingga, Paku Gelang, Tak Tontong, Seringgit Dua Kupang, Bareh Solok, Mamandam Raso, Tari Piring, Cubo Ranuangkan, Dayuang Palinggam, Tari Payuang, Denai Sansai, Rang Talu, Jikok Bapisah, Sempaya, and the most popular songs are Ayam den Lapeh, Kambanglah Bungo, Kampuang Nan Jauh di Mato, and so on.

But on September, 30th 2009 the incident in Padang was happen. With 7.6 SR, the earthquacke crush something copeletely in there. The central of earthquacke in Padang City. But the most damage occurred in Padang, Pariaman, and Binjai. The most victim who were dead in Pariaman. The totally of dead are 650 peoples. The building were crush. And a lots of peoples lost they family, the precious things, and house. They difficulty for find some food, drinks, clothes, medicines, fuel, and clean water. In the first week in Padang like as The Dead City. Because the important offices in there were crush. The electric was extinguished.

Indonesia open their relationship to another countries to help in Padang. There are from Russian, Japan, China, Singapore, United States, and so on. They help for volunteers, fund, foods and drinks, medicines, and many more.

For the safe victim in the ruins building, they to suffer broken bones. In fact there are some peoples when their legs pinch in the ruins of builds they cuts of their legs by himself. They do that in order to safe their life.

And now, Padang tried to woke up and begin to build their country. We just can to help them and pray it to the God. We hope Padang can back to stand up again and try to be better than before. And we hope God don’t sending the accident like this again.